We are not so different you and I
Separated by a single thought
You look at the world and say it's real
I look and see only myself
Clarity of vision is all it takes
To see my world and all its beauty
Letting go is all it takes
To be rid of fear and suffering
We are not so different you and I
Like a minute to the hour and a minute past
Seen my way we are so close
Yet for you, a vast chasm lies between us
I urge you to look honestly
See your mind is full of cravings
Deep down you sense your heart craves peace
Freedom, to be whole again
So take my hand and let me show you
My world in all its glory
Take it and let me lead you home
To the place, you have forgotten
"How far is it?" I hear you ask
Oh it's right here, no distance whatsoever
"Then, why must I take your hand?" you say
To prevent you from wandering off again
Be still and see the simple truth
The one so near you overlooked
You always have been in my world
You are home and never left
"How did I not see this before?" you laugh
A thought of separation clouded your mind
A phantom belief of limitation
Is all that kept you bound
We are not so different you and I
We are the sacred source itself
We are not so different you and I
We are one
(Spiritual poem)