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David Farmer
Dec 21, 20241 min read
True altruism - Non-identification with thought
True altruism comes by itself when our true nature is recognised and the illusion of the separate self is seen through.
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David Farmer
Aug 23, 20241 min read
Unity consciousness - Nonduality & Interconnectedness
Unity consciousness is simply consciousness experiencing itself in its totality...
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David Farmer
Jul 10, 20241 min read
The spinning top - Mind & Nonduality
I've been trying to sort through the stuff that's coming up by myself but I'm struggling. My mind is so full on. Lots of invitations and...
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David Farmer
Jun 22, 20231 min read
Knowing - A zen parable on telepathic understanding
In the last two years, many wonderful beings for whom there is Self-realisation have appeared in my life. The beautiful thing about these...
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David Farmer
Jun 10, 20231 min read
You are innocent - Spiritual poem
A newborn experiences the world As an open field of awareness It has no sense of separate self Until taught by you to be a person It had...
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David Farmer
Jan 31, 20231 min read
You and I - Spiritual poem
We are not so different you and I Separated by a single thought You look at the world and say it's real I look and see only myself...
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David Farmer
Jan 19, 20231 min read
Now is always the beginning - Nonattachment
Nonattachment to what has gone nor projecting into the future, the mind settles when left alone. It is enough to notice it. Don't engage...
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David Farmer
Apr 25, 20221 min read
Equilibrium - Spiritual poem
I glanced at my hand, Wrinkled, skeletal Turned it over, Skeletal, wrinkled... Peripheral, off-focus. I am neither the body nor the mind....
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David Farmer
Feb 19, 20222 min read
The Gilded Cage - Positive thoughts are still thoughts
I was on Facebook the other day and happened to see a post by the psychologist and author, Steve Taylor. I have read a lot of Steve's...
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David Farmer
Feb 4, 20221 min read
Freedom - You are infinite being
Life flashing before you at death, is simply the contents of your subconscious mind being released all at once upon the apparent "death"...
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David Farmer
Jan 15, 20221 min read
Signposts - Truth
Whether you are an eloquent professor, a babbling guru, or a shy man in the street, when someone asks you for directions, it's best to...
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