The oasis - Nonduality & Effortless Being
Resting as effortless being is not a technique or a tool to be used to fix your problems. Remaining as effortless being we recognise that...
The oasis - Nonduality & Effortless Being
The spinning top - Mind & Nonduality
Yoda: "There is no try" - Efforting vs Effortless Being
The commentator - The truth about thought
No regret - Spiritual poem
Intuition - The body of wisdom
Predetermination - Free will
You are not broken - Awareness
Now is always the beginning - Nonattachment
God knows no why - Total freedom
Mind - The limitation of thoughts
Equilibrium - Spiritual poem
Meditation - Another word for you
Knowingness - Beyond the mind
Vehicle - God is at the wheel
The World - Suffering
The Gilded Cage - Positive thoughts are still thoughts
Freedom - You are infinite being
Death - Die before you die
Everything - The nature of mind