The oasis - Nonduality & Effortless Being
Resting as effortless being is not a technique or a tool to be used to fix your problems. Remaining as effortless being we recognise that...
The oasis - Nonduality & Effortless Being
Stop seeking! - Spiritual poem
What pulls you away from your true self? by Annette Burrell
The man without a TV - Spiritual Poem
My life? - Spiritual poem
All happens effortlessly - Spiritual poem
Was anything ever created? - Spiritual poem
Summer solstice - Energy
No regret - Spiritual poem
The Sparkling Beauty of Everything by Julie Cloutier
The Ten Ox-Herding Pictures - Zen
The Five Bodies - A guide to the Koshas
Now is always the beginning - Nonattachment
Happiness - Realise your true nature
Everything - The nature of mind